Groups and Clubs for Children and Youth Ages 0-18

For more information about any of these groups please get in touch through the Contact Us page.


St Luke's Toddler Group

This is a friendly, church organised toddler group and we offer a warm welcome to all – parents, grandparents, carers, childminders with babies/toddlers. It’s a great opportunity for adults to form friendships, chat & spend quality time whilst supervising their babies/toddlers in their care at all times. This is also a great time of fun for babies and toddlers to explore, develop, play, learn and socialise in a safe and stimulating environment with a wide range of toys and equipment with the occasional craft activity. We stop half way and provide refreshments to adults and toddlers and listen to an amazing story from the Bible.  Towards the end we have a quick tidy up and finish off with song time. In warmer weather we have the extra option of children being able to run about and play in a fenced garden with outdoor toys. This group is proving to be so popular that it is currently operating a waiting list. Please call Alison on 07967 951373 for further details and to book your place we can’t wait to meet you and to join in the fun!!

Primary Age


An after school club for Foundation and Key Stage 1 children on Fridays, 3:45-4:45pm during term time in St Luke's Hall. Start with a snack, do craft, play games, learn from a Bible story, and make some great friends. Children are drawn from various schools locally. We ask a parent or carer to stay with them.


Early evening club for Key Stage 2 chilfren on Fridays from 6:00-7:00pm. Loads of fun activities and games, a short Bible time to help us learn more about God, and an opportunity to get to meet lots of other children of a similar age in a safe environment. Oh, and Haribo every week!

Secondary and Sixth Form


Friday evening youth group which meets at Kirk Ella Memorial Hall (corner of Beverley Road and Redland Drive, near Willerby Square) at 7:30pm for about an hour and a half. A chance to hang out with friends while playing table tennis, indoor football, crazy games, and an interesting and thought provoking Bible study that will change your life.